Perfection is a habit. Aristotle

We are what we repeatedly do. Perfection is not an act but a habit. (Aristotle)

It is not enough to do something once to master and automate it. It takes consistency, commitment and a lot of repetition to make an action or behavior our property. And the more we work on it, the more we will improve small details that will lead it to perfection. When we reach the level of having mastered it then we will create a connection. This act of ours will characterize us, give us an identity and now represent us as a part of us.

The same is true in sports. It is not the one time you perform a movement or technique that will make you perfect it but the consequence of doing it many times over and over. Don’t stay at one time, make an act or a behavior a habit, if you love it develop it as much as you can.

Bruce Lee famously said emphasizing the power of repetition, of automation, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”