Remember your WHY.

When you are unmotivated remember your WHY.

“Why” is a very strong word and it is different for everyone. We all experience situations where we feel that we do not have the strength to continue, we may be disappointed by some event that we may have failed, that did not go as we would like, or we may not immediately see the results we are asking for.

Why is quite simply the opening word to some very basic questions like…

Why have I chosen the profession I do?

Why do I have these people around me?

Why do I work and toil every day?

All these questions give a different answer to everyone and only they know what the right answer is. So when you feel like you don’t have the motivation or energy to keep doing what you have chosen for you, remind yourself what your “why” is, what your purpose is, what motivated you to start and choose this path where you walk If your ‘why’ is strong it will give you the motivation and energy to keep going and if it doesn’t then maybe it’s time for a change. You may recognize that the purpose has been lost along the way and it is best for you to change direction. In any case the WHY will help you redefine yourself and keep going.