Visualize where you want to go.

Accept where you are now. Visualize where you want to go.

Do something about it. Evolution is a process of change. A change needs some specific, simple, but also very important steps. Due to their simplicity, we take them for granted, self-evident and many times we find it difficult to follow them, preventing ourselves or delaying their execution and therefore the change itself.

•The first step is to recognize one’s current situation. Where he is now, what he has achieved so far and in what way, what are the realistic possibilities he has in making a change. To accept where he is and feel grateful for what he has achieved.

•The second step is to think about what he wants to change, what he wants to improve and develop. To bring to his mind exactly and in detail what he wants to achieve and even more importantly, to make a plan on how to achieve this. What moves should he make in order to methodically and gradually reach his goal?

•The third and final key step is to turn his thoughts into actions. To make the decision and start actually following the plan he has in mind. To make the first move, something seemingly simple but also so difficult for many.